The test scenarios can be selected by clicking on the Show Test Scenarios link in checkout.
The mandates and payments involved in test scenarios are never added to batches and are for mock purposes only.
This will activate the mandate 10s after it has been confirmed in the checkout.
This will deactivate the mandate 10s after it has been confirmed in the checkout.
This will activate the mandate 10s after it has been confirmed in the checkout and do an account transfer on the mandate.
This will simulate a debit payment failure in 2 steps:
Sign up for a mandate in the checkout, it will activated 10s after it has been confirmed.
Do a direct debit charge on the activated mandate and it will be marked as failed.
This will simulate a successful debit payment in 2 steps:
Sign up for a mandate in the checkout, it will activated 10s after it has been confirmed.
Do a direct debit charge on the activated mandate and it will be marked as successful.
This will simulate a credit payment failure in 2 steps:
Sign up for a mandate in the checkout, it will activated 10s after it has been confirmed.
Do a direct credit charge on the activated mandate and it will be marked as failed.
This will simulate a successful credit payment in 2 steps:
Sign up for a mandate in the checkout, it will activated 10s after it has been confirmed.
Do a direct credit charge on the activated mandate and it will be marked as successful.
In order to test how the manual-entry validation works, you will need to use specific information about the consumer.
Name: Sharon Rajapaksa
DoB: 1973-08-31
AddressLine1: 80B High street
City: ST. Albans
Postalcode: AL3 8LE
Sort-code: 070116
Account number: 00035305
Name: Linda Duff
DoB: 1986-01-21
AddressLine1: 198 Hand avenue
City: Leicester
Postalcode: LE3 1SL
Sort-code: 070116
Account number: 00043156