Trustly Docs

TemplateURL static

Example of how Trustly fetch content from the merchant static TemplateURL for each API call to construct Trustly-hosted payment page, with the Trustly checkout included in an iFrame

How it works


Design your own template design. The template should be designed for all device types.


Host the template design - E.g. merchant.com/trustlytemplate.


No changes or added information to the API call.


Share the URL with Trustly.


Trustly will input the URL into our system.


The URL will be used to fetch the template design for each API call.

  1. Design your own template design;

  2. The template should be designed for all device types;

  3. Host the template design - E.g. merchant.com/trustlytemplate;

  4. No changes or added information to the API call;

  5. Share the URL with Trustly;

  6. Trustly will input the URL into our system;

  7. The URL will be used to fetch the template design for each API call.

  • All images must have absolute URLs;

  • Every link must use HTTPS;

  • Tags like: script, iframe, frame, frameset, object, applet, etc will not be allowed as they present a security risk.

  • In addition, the template page must contain in some part of the code the following tag that we will use to insert Trustly’s iFrame: <!-- TRUSTLY-PAYMENT-PAGE-GOES-HERE -->

  • The Trustly payment window on the hosted page will default to 600px width. To dynamically adjust it to a mobile screen, please add the following to your CSS: "iframe {width: 100% !important;}"

Read more at our developer portal

Template URL Static is highly suitable for responsive websites. Implementing the correct service presentation generates higher conversions.

The payment window requires a width of 450 to 600 pixels and a height of at least 600 pixels to work well.