Trustly Green is our brand color, and also our accent color. Used as a distinct identifier to be applied across all applications and touch-points. To support the Trustly Green is a monotone palette that create a sophisticated backdrop allowing the Trustly Green to contrast.
The green palette expands to four additional green colors and off-white to support documentation like graphs, charts and presentations when a broader spectrum is needed.
The color scale below show the hierarchal order for the use of secondary colors.
A palette of grey tones is used to provide a greater range of depth, contrast, and variety in layouts, documentation such as graphs and charts, and UX design.
This palette should not be used for leading design, but rather act as complementary colors.
Colors to signal error/decline, warning and success that may only be used for text.
To avoid a visual overload of colours, our primary colours may only be combined with one complementary color from the secondary palette at a time.