Trustly Docs

Integrate Trustly via Adyen

Before going live with Trustly via Adyen, make sure you go through the key points below in this page to leverage Trustly’s Open Banking offering.

Testing the Trustly’s payment flow

In the test environment, all payments are done using a simplified bank that will be the same regardless of the bank selected in the payment flow. As the same bank backend is used for all payments, the shopper experience when paying will be the same for all banks.

This is different from the production system where the flow for the shopper will vary slightly depending on the bank.

To test the payment webhooks received through Adyen, use any of the banks available per country. Note: Mock banks can’t reproduce the callbacks and are only used to test redirect flows when initiating orders from your App.

Seamless payment flow from your app

To maximize acceptance rates on payments via app you can redirect the shopper to the Trustly URL in the device’s default browser. This is also applicable if you are using a webview on your app. 

Redirecting to the default browser will ensure a stable checkout session and a good user experience

When using Trustly’s test environment via Adyen, you can test these flows on app using the ‘Mock banks’ we have available in each market:

  1. From your mobile app, initiate a Trustly order in the test environment and select one of the "mock banks" in the Trustly checkout. The mock banks have names such as "Mock [bank name]".

  2. After selecting the mock bank, choose "Online banking" as the login method and click "continue".

  3. You will see a page that says "Let's connect to your bank", select "go to bank"

  4. You will be redirected to a browser page that says "MOCK BANK LOGIN PAGE". Click "login" (no need to enter any login details).

  5. You will be redirected back from the browser to your mobile app and the Trustly checkout.

  6. If the redirect to the mock bank page (step 4) and back to the app showing the Trustly checkout (step 5) works, then the test was successful. If any of the redirects didn't work, please reach out to your Adyen’s account manager to contact Trustly.

Checkout Guidelines made simple

Depending on the type of integration you have with Adyen ( Components, Drop-in or API only) you have some flexibility to adjust Trustly’s presentation.

Key points we always recommend for higher acceptance rates in each market are:

If you have extra space on the checkout, you can add:

  • Long Description - explains further what the user can expect when completing a payment via Trustly.

  • Bank logos - including bank logos and ‘+More’ 

Below is an example of a presentation with the previous recommendations 

Leverage the Trustly Network Effect

If you are adding Trustly to your checkout chances are that your users want or are already using Trustly with other online shops across Europe and the UK. When passing the shopper’s email, we are able to match with several other data points to present a shorter payment flow reducing up to 50% the completion time of a payment.